Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Impact of Advertising on American Society Essay examples

Impact of Advertising on American Society American society has changed drastically over the past years and some people say advertisements reflect the society that we live in now. Advertising in our society encourages unhealthy habits, focuses in on our weaknesses and leads us to believe that we are materialistic. Advertisements can also change our vision of reality and makes us believe the impossible. Advertisements use sexual and racial stereotypes to help sell their products. People in our society encourage the commercials that demonstrate these things, like focus in on our weaknesses. A recent commercial I just saw advertising for Pizza Hut uses sex and famous people to promote their product. The ad was introducing their new†¦show more content†¦It is the same old pepperoni pizza or sausage pizza as before, but it is in a different form or shape. People like new and different things. Also, with this new pizza, it makes it a lot easier to order a pizza for a family that like different toppings. It is convenient for families to just order one pizza rather one that is half anchovies and the other half extra-cheese to satisfy all the family members. The easier it is, the better it will be. This is how our society thinks and wants things to be, easy and simple. So this pizza is new, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it will taste better. Television commercials are not the only form of advertising. There are many more types of methods to advertise. An advertising method that restaurants often used is games and prizes, like You won 1 free Pepsi! to advertise, so more people will buy their product. A game that has been held every year for some time now is McDonald’s Monopoly game. People buy McDonald’s food to receive Monopoly game pieces. It works like the regular game of Monopoly. Some people are lucky and get all pieces except one or two, so they will go to McDonald’s to get fries every day hoping to get that last winning piece. The participants are not buying the food every day because the food is fantastic, but they buy the food to play the game. People in our society just want to be winners, to win prizes and things they cannot affordShow MoreRelatedAdvertising1204 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Impact Of Advertising Impact based advertising is a form of advertising designed to have a lasting psychological effect on viewers so they will remember the product or vendor. This approach can help advertising produce the greatest results for a given expenditure. Impact based advertising is often contrasted with impression based advertising, which is focused on the number of times that an ad is seen and does not differentiate between segments of the audience. 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