Monday, December 30, 2019

Effective Assessment Methods Help The Learner And The...

Effective Assessment Practices Assessment is a very important and crucial step in the learning process. Effective assessment methods help the learner and the educator identify learning needs and also the effectiveness of the education program being given. There are advantages and disadvantages to these methods. Educators use a myriad of assessment methods to help them identify what the learners are retaining and also to help guide the education program. Students can use assessment methods to reflect on their learning and collaborate with educators to identify learning goals. Strategies such as rubrics, case studies, simulation, observation, and performance checklists are assessment methods. This paper will discuss the effectiveness of rubrics, case studies, and simulation. Rubrics Rubrics are one of the many assessment methods used to assess and evaluate a student’s work. A rubric clearly identifies what is expected from the student on an assignment (Watland, 2012). In addition, rubrics can be utilized as a method of providing direct feedback to the students by evaluating the quality of a skill performed or a specific outcome (Birky, 2012). Birky also states that rubrics provided great versatility in assessing things such as teacher effectiveness, student performance, and quality of programs. These are some of the advantages when utilizing rubrics. The rubric is divided into smaller sections with detailed explanations of what the educator expects. The educator canShow MoreRelatedThe Adult Learner Essay On Learning Styles1437 Words   |  6 PagesAdult Learner Essay on Learning Styles Between the practice of education and the conducting of research in educational psychology, there is a divide that has formed around the effectiveness of utilizing learning styles while teaching and learning. Learning styles are defined as an individual’s mode of gaining knowledge, especially a preferred or best method (Learning Styles). 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Family Counseling Services Of Northern Utah - 1054 Words

Mission Statement: Family Counseling Services of Northern Utah (FCS) is a non-profit agency which has been dedicated since 1966 to improving the quality of life for residents of Northern Utah by providing affordable counseling to individuals, couples, and families regardless of their income. FCS first opened its doors on February 2, 1966 at a small apartment office in Ogden, Utah. The agency was founded in response to community surveys that recognized the need for a counseling agency to keep families together. Its first executive director, and only counselor, saw 170 clients in 1966. Since then our agency has helped thousands of children, individuals, couples and families. In 1993, FCS assisted 350 clients; in 2010, we assisted 2,400†¦show more content†¦A 2015 article in the Salt Lake Tribune Utah had the fourth highest suicide rate last year, coming in behind Montana, Alaska and Wyoming. The deaths of 562 Utahan’s last year were ruled as suicides, a number that s been climbing. Mental health of Utah (2015) reported, â€Å"30% to 70% of suicide victims who suffer from major depression or bipolar (manic depressive) disorder† and â€Å"eight out of ten people considering suicide give some sign of their intentions.† Poverty and mental health correlate significantly, people with economical disadvantages have inconsistent access to proper mental health agencies and resources. With poverty increasing the number of mental health related concerns FCS has made a commitment to offer services to individuals and families who have expressed the need for services but are unable to pay for requested sercices. FCS exists to fill the counseling needs of the residents of Northern Utah; notably 95% of the time the population served by FCS could not afford to pay for the services received. FCS is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization committed to making a positive impact on the community by promoting wellness, strengthening families and improving lives. FCS has addressed the community mental health the developing Healing lives for Success. The purpose of the Healing Lives for Success program is to address this barrier of mental health therapy by providing a

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Discuss Theories of Communication Free Essays

P2: Discuss theories of communication. Part A The communication cycle is a commonly used theory of communication. It was first developed by Charles Berner in 1965; it was then modified by Michael Argyle, who was a social psychologist, in 1972. We will write a custom essay sample on Discuss Theories of Communication or any similar topic only for you Order Now The concept of a ‘communication cycle’ makes it clear that, in order to have effective communication, it must be a two way process. As well as transferring messages to others in a definite, clear way, health care professionals must be able to respond to the verbal feedback as well as the non-verbal feedback. So, effective communication has to involve effort from both participators (both the sender as well as the receiver) in the communication. The communication cycle has six stages. Stage one is when ideas occur, this makes us think and assess the situation that we are in before we start to communicate. We need to think about what we are trying to say, and how to say this in a clear, effective way. Stage two is when the message is coded and here we have to be aware of the different methods that we can use to send our message. We should try and consider the most effective communication method depending on the situation and the person with whom we will be communicating. Stage three is when the message gets sent. We need to make sure that we have chosen the most effective method of communication, and that we have used this communication method in the most correct way. We should not try and rush the message being sent because that could cause misunderstanding between the two people who are communicating. Stage four is whenever the message gets perceived by the receiver. The service user has to make sense of the message given to them. As health care professionals, we should be aware of the potential difficulties and be aware of how to take steps in order to lessen these difficulties. Stage five is when the message gets decoded. The service user tries to make meaning of what you have just communicated to them. Here, we have to clarify and check out how much of the information is being understood. This clarification should be carried out on a continual basis, not just at the end of the conversation. Finally, stage six is whenever the message gets understood, and then the receiver of the message then becomes the sender of the new message in the form of feedback. You must allow plenty of time for feedback, remembering that it will be both verbal and nonverbal; this involves listening with your eyes, ears and body language. Part B Mrs Hedges is a resident in a nursing home. Recently, her hearing has declined and she now relies on a hearing aid to enable communication. Three weeks ago, Mrs Hedge’s granddaughter was involved in an accident and since been in hospital. Her family have been reluctant to tell Mrs Hedges of her granddaughter’s condition as they do not want to upset her. Mrs Hedges was used to seeing her granddaughter on a regular basis; she often popped in on her own to spend time with her granny. Mrs Hedges has started to worry about her granddaughter and the family have asked that you help them break the news. . â€Å"A relationship without communication will definitely fail. If you attempt to have a relationship without communication, both people involved in the relationship will have different goals and objectives. ANGEL, G, 2010. Title [The importance of the communication cycle]. [16. 10. 12]. Available from World Wide Web : lt;http://www. helium. com/items/1746915-communication-cyclegt; The importance of the communication cycle cannot and should not be underestimated. Below, I am going to discuss why I think it is important to follow the communication cycle and why it is important for effective communication. The sender should be aware that the person with whom they will be communicating is hard of hearing, and are wearing a hearing aid. The dispatcher of the communication should be able to select the most effective form of communication in order to communicate the message at hand. The sender must think about how to communicate the message in a sensitive way that the receiver will understand. The communicator should be on the same level as the receiver of the communication; this allows the receiver (Mrs Hedges) to read facial expression and, if possible, lip read. Being on the same level as the receiver of the communication, also allows them to focus and listen more efficiently. The speaker must thoroughly think through what he or she is going to say, and the method in which they want to say it. They must evaluate and decide whether to use verbal or nonverbal communication, or a mix of the two. If they have chosen verbal communication, they must figure out a way to communicate in a non-patronising way that will still be as effective. If nonverbal communication is chosen, the correct method of nonverbal communication should be chosen. Effective communication must happen in order to meet Mrs Hedges’ needs, to help her feel re assured, safe and secure. In this particular case, I think that a mixture of both verbal and nonverbal communication is requisite. Using speech along with caring and reassuring touch will be effective in making Mrs Hedges feel cared for and safe. The communicator should speak in a normal fashion that Mrs Hedges will not find condescending, but that you speak in a slightly slower pace than usual; this makes your speech clearer. Communicate the message to Mrs Hedges at a time when she is least likely to be tired, as when you are tired, your hearing is decreased anyway. Verbal communication is so important, especially when delivering such a delicate message, so make sure to use simple, short sentences, and make sure that MRs Hedges has understood, you could do this by asking questions such as ‘are you following me? ’ or ‘Do you have any questions, Mrs Hedges? ’. If she hasn’t understood the message, refrain from repeating the same sentence over again, instead the sender of the message should try re-phrasing the sentence. Nonverbally, facial expression and hand movements, body language and touch are vital. If Mrs Hedges gets upset, it is important that the communicator re assures her by caring gestures, such as gentle, friendly touch, the carer could put their hand on Mrs Hedge’s shoulder, to comfort her. The carer must be able to communicate effectively to Mrs Hedges so that Mrs Hedges fully understands the message. This is also important as it is useful to know how to effectively communicate so that Mrs Hedges’ needs are met and that she feels safe, secure and re-assured. This will also help her feel valued, and her self-esteem will be boosted by default as the communication is 100% effective. Part C Another theory of communication is Tuckman’s theory of group development. First developed by Bruce Tuckman in 1965, it is one of the more well-known group/team development theories and has been the basis of many other ideas since its birth. Tuckman’s theory focuses on the way that a team tackles a task from the initial formation of the team right the way through to the completion of the given project. Tuckman’s theory is relevant in particular to team building challenges as each individual phase can affect the completion of the task at hand. Basically, Tuckman’s model explains that, as the team develops maturity and ability, the relationships within the team get more established, and the leader changes his or her leadership style, according to the developmental stage of the group. In this group development cycle, there are four main stages although later on, Tuckman added a fifth stage to the cycle (although this is not used by everybody). The first stage, forming, is the stage where the group is put together for the first time, and where all the group members meet one another for the first time, so naturally, this is the most awkward stage of the developmental cycle. The group is thought to be at the â€Å"honeymoon stage†- the group members are all naturally shy, and are all aware of their feelings and the feelings of others. In this stage, there is a high dependence on the leader by most of the team members, for guidance and direction. There is little agreement between team members on the aims and purposes of the team, other than what is given by the team leader. Individual roles and responsibilities of team members are somewhat unclear. The leader should be prepared as the team members will have a lot of questions to ask, and the leader will have to be confident so that the team members can feel confident too, and also they will have a sense of security. The second stage, storming, is the stage where the most conflict occurs. The team will begin to gain comfort with one another, and so the team will start to address the task suggesting possible ideas, and different ideas may compete for the favour of the group, and if this is badly managed, it can result in being very destructive for the team. This phase is described as the ‘make or break’ moments for the team, as in the team relationships will either me made or broken. In this stage, it is essential that the team has a strong facilitative leadership in this phase. There is a stronger clarity of purpose, but plenty of uncertainties persist. Cliques and factions form and there might be power struggles within the group. The third stage, Norming, is where the team begins to ‘find their feet’ a bit more. The norming phase is a gradual move towards harmonious team-working. The team becomes more united and begins to agree on rules, purposes, values and aims on which they all agree to operate. In an ideal world, teams will begin to trust themselves more and each member will begin to value the contribution of other team members. In this phase, you will find that the team leader is able to take a step back as individual members become more comfortable with each other and so take on greater responsibility. A potential risk during the norming stage is that the team will become complacent and will lose their creative edge or the motivation that brought them to the team in the first place. The group on a whole is able to make larger decisions, and smaller decisions get delegated to individual team members, adding to the harmony of the group. Outside of the ‘team environment’ the team members may engage in social activities together. The fourth stage, performing, is when the team members are working at their optimum level as a united body. The group can be described as being in ‘flow’ – all of the team members are contributing equally to the team and as a result of this; the team is making excellent progress. When I think of a good team working together as one, I think of the metaphor of a human body; every part of the human body is required for the body to work properly and at optimum level, and this is the same as a team working together. In this stage of group development, each group member can help the other members out by giving them advice, instruction and constructive criticism where necessary. Teams that are performing at optimum level are identified by high independence levels and motivation is evident as well as each team member being highly competent and knowledgeable in the aims they want to achieve, and the main ideas of their team project. Decision making within the team is done as one entity and each team member has a high level of respect for each individual team member. †¦PART D†¦ (TO BE DONE NEXT WEEK) http://www. teambuilding. co. uk/Forming_Storming_Norming_Performing. html http://www. businessballs. com/tuckmanformingstormingnormingperforming. htm How to cite Discuss Theories of Communication, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Blue and White Size free essay sample

For each lecture, there is a prefecture web quiz which is due on the day of the lecture and a post-lecture web quiz with a due date after the lecture that can be found under the Class Schedule link as well. Each pre-lecture web quiz contains mostly simple and straightforward questions designed to ensure that you have picked up the major points from the assigned reading so that you can better participate in the in-class discussions. The post-lecture web quiz contains the more challenging questions that require you to digest the material you should have learned from each lecture.Detailed rules for the re and post-lecture web quizzes are at the Quiz Instructions link on the home page. You may take these quizzes ten times to improve your grade. Your highest grade on a quiz is the only grade recorded. We drop the lowest of your Pre-lecture, Post-lecture and Lab quizzes. Pre-lecture, post-lecture and lab quizzes are given in a time frame near the delivery of the related course material. After the deadline for a quiz, you will not be able to take it resulting in a grade of zero. See your instructors Class icon for the details of the scheduling of these quizzes.You may take the quizzes five times to try to improve your grade. You will receive the highest of the grades you score on a quiz. For the Learning Styles and Pre-Assessment Survey, you will receive 100% for taking these surveys, but that credit will not appear under My Grades on the day you take them. On the Post-Assessment Survey, you will earn 0. 25 points for each correct answer to a maximum of five points that will be added to your rounded final exam score as extra credit. Abs and Lab Web Quizzes Ten labs are held at the LAB Rooms. The lab sessions serve the purpose of familiarizing students with various Excel commands needed to complete the arioso lab quizzes. There will be a lab web quiz for each lab session mainly to test the materials presented during the lab. The due dates of the lab web quizzes are under your instructors Class Schedule link. You can use the PCs in the FCC student lounge room 203 when you are not in your assigned lab. You may also use the Learning Resource Center (building #61) during the week and on the weekends. Check their door for open hours. You may take these quizzes ten times to improve your grade. Your highest grade on a quiz is the only grade recorded. We drop your lowest of your Pre-lecture, Post-lecture ND Lab quizzes. Lecture Exams and Final Exam Both the lecture exams and final exam will be in multiple-choice and fill-in- the-blank format. These exams include material similar to that found in the Post-lecture and Lab quizzes along with the individual Lecture Review Exams (optional). Many of the questions include the use of Pastas and Excel including calculations that you copy and paste into answer blanks. The exams are open Speedster and textbook. All exams are in the Lab Rooms. The final exam is comprehensive.The dates of the lecture exams and final exam are under your instructors Class Schedule link. There is one Lecture Exam per lecture. They are available only during lab under exam environment. You may attempt a Lecture Exam one time only. These exams take the place of midterm exams. We record a zero when the exam deadline passes without a record that you have taken it (See Class Schedule for beginning dates and deadlines). You have until the date of the next exam to supply us with a legitimate documented excuse to have the grade changed to dropped (not used to calculate the exam average grade).You will not be able to see your exam nor your raw score when you have completed the exam. You view your exam results during the next scheduled lab. After the grades are rounded, we post your grade to B Learn (see Rounding of Grades above). We drop your lowest lecture exam grade at the end of the semester. Prior to a Lecture Exam, we release Review Exam that contains questions similar to those found in the Lecture Exams. They are under the Assessments folder in B Learn. The Review Exams are for feedback only without the recording of grades.You may take them an unlimited number of times to review the lecture material. Use these exams to study for the Lecture Exams and the Final Exam. Projects The team project constitutes a crucial component in this course. This project not only attempts to expose you to the use of statistics in real life situations, it also serves the purpose of training you in the presentation of results. Therefore, your grade will depend on your ability to present results in a way that will be appropriate in a business setting. We require you to translate statistical jargon into everyday language in this process. A project score consists of three components. Ten % comes from the project web quiz, 20% from self-peer evaluation and 70% from the report. For students with a self- peer evaluation score below 80%, the report score is then multiplied by the score on the self-peer evaluation. Please refer to Getting Started found under the Projects icon on the homepage of the class web site. Anybody who does not complete the Self-Peer Evaluation form online gives a strong indication that he/she does not care about the project or the evaluation process.Hence, that person loses the opportunity to help their own grade and to evaluate the contribution of the other members of the team. Please refer to Self-Peer Evaluation found under the Project folder on the amoebae of the class web site. Every team needs to make an appointment with the Business Communication Center (BCC) to have their first draft checked and corrections made prior to submission. At least 50% of the team members must be present at the meeting. The first draft must be reviewed by BCC. It is optional for any team to have the final draft reviewed by BCC prior to submission.This could serve to improve the teams final grade. Any first draft that has not been read/approved by the BCC will not be graded and, hence, no comment will be provided. To sign up for an appointment tit the BCC, look for the link under the Class Schedule on B Learn. For more information regarding the BCC, go to www. Franken. Ana. Du/ Strenuousnesss/commenter. Schedule of Class Activities, Quizzes, Exams and Projects See the Class Schedule link found on the homepage of the class web site. You will find topics, resources, reading assignments and important dates and deadlines for the entire semesters work.For the starting dates and ending dates of the pre-lecture, post-lecture and lab quizzes, also consult the Class Schedule. You may complete any quiz that has an active link. Professionalism Recognition Program All CEO 201 classes participate in the Fibs Professionalism Recognition Program. Students who demonstrate professional behaviors in and out of class are eligible for high ratings through that program. Students who receive overall high ratings in the program will receive a letter from the Dean indicating that they ex. bibbed high professional conduct a useful tool to distinguish yourself with employers as you seek a job.In order to receive a high professionalism rating in this course, students must have: (I) missed no more than 1 class; and, (ii) received at least a 95% score on the projects self- ere-evaluation. To receive a Professionalism rating, students need to have: (I) missed no more than 3 classes; and, (ii) received at least an 85% score on the projects self-peer-evaluation. In addition to the above requirements, students will also be assessed on their participation in the classroom, timeliness to class, use of appropriate language (both written and spoken), demonstration of respectfulness, etc.The determination of a students rating for professionalism is a subjective determination by the faculty member. Additional Rules of the Course Makeup Exams There will be no makeup offered for lecture exams. We drop a missing lecture exam score only for those students with institutional excuse, proper documentation or a legitimate excuse (and tell us in advance of missing the regularly scheduled lecture exam). You must deliver the institutional excuse or documentation before the next lecture exam is given. Otherwise, we record a zero for missing exams.You have the option to take a makeup for a missed lecture exam only if you have an institutional excuse. If you decide on this option, the makeup exam must be taken before the next lecture exam. Attendance Name cards and the clicker are used to take attendance. You will receive 1. 5 percentage points credit added to your course average for perfect attendance; 1. 25 percentage points credit added to your course average for missing no more than 2 classes; 1. 00 percentage points credit added to your course average for missing no more than 4 classes; 0. 5 percentage points credit added to your course average for missing no more than 5 classes; 0. 50 percentage points credit added to your course average for missing no more than 6 classes; and, 0. 25 percentage points credit added to your course average for missing no more than 7 classes. We add this attendance score to your course average at the end of the semester before assigning a letter grade. If you do have legitimate excuses for being absent, bring proper documentation and come speak with your professor in the next class and he or she will consider removing the penalty.The maximum amount that can be added to your course average is 1. 5 percentage points. While class attendance is required per the above stated policy, please be cautious about attending class if you are feeling ill. Please inform your professor by email if you are feeling unwell; if you are experiencing flu-like homonyms, you should not attend class; please take precautions not to infect others, and seek medical attention if your symptoms worsen Seating Arrangement In the 2nd week of the semester, we form teams to facilitate in-class discussions and team activities, and assign seating arrangement in the lectures and labs.If you have particular preferences on sitting location, please speak with your professor as soon as possible and he will try to accommodate your request. Where is the homework? We designed this course to substitute web quizzes for the homework that is usually associated with a statistics course. It is important that you do work in addition to taking the quizzes. After you have mastered the material by making 100 on each quiz, you should use that quiz as a study aid. Go to Assessments. Find the quiz of interest. Click the View Results button. Under Attempts-number find your attempt on the quiz for which you made 100.Click on the number for that quiz. Read each question and critically evaluate why each correct answer is correct and why each wrong answer is wrong. If you do not know why an answer is correct or not correct, then you need to do extra study in the textbook, the Speedster or the Powering slides. You must have read the required text material and studied the Powering slides before coming to lecture. Student Responsibility Taking a statistics course is challenging. You will be taking pre-lecture quizzes due before the lecture is presented, post-lecture quizzes due after the lecture is completed and lab quizzes due after the lab is completed.You must have a personal schedule that allows you to keep up with the class. We are here to help you in any way we can, but you are responsible for your education. You must be able to take the quizzes on time, complete the assigned readings on mime, complete the team projects and attend class. According to the Arizona Board of Regents policy statement on Academic Credit (use Control-click), a minimum of forty-five (45) hours of work by each student is required for each unit of credit during a semester.So for a 3-credit course, each student is required to put in at least 9 hours per week including class time. To meet this policy during summer classes means that you will need to work more than full time. Cell Phones and Music Players We do not allow cell phones and music players in lectures, labs or exams. Turn off cell phones when in class. Academic Honesty We have a zero tolerance policy in this course. We encourage students to work together, especially in lab sessions, to improve their understanding of the concepts and processes covered in this course.This does not extend to lecture exams or the final exam. Any instance of cheating on a lecture exam or the final exam will result in immediate and automatic failure for the course, irrespective of the performance Of the student or students up to that point. Aside from the straightforward copying of answers, cheating also includes any discussion during the exam. Cell phones are not allowed anywhere on the desktop during exams. In addition to these punitive measures, a report will be filed with r-CB and the University. Plagiarism is also a form of cheating.This relates, in particular, to the semester project that you will prepare as part of this course. You should be aware that we have thoroughly read all the projects that have been prepared for this class in the past. In addition, the data used for the analyses are changed from time-to- time. Thus, it is an easy matter for us to determine whether submissions have been popularized from previous submissions. Any confirmed instance of legalism on the project will result in all members Of the team receiving a grade of zero for the exercise.